Common Sense Service
Common Cents Savings

Helping FSBOs list their property on the MLS and save thousands of dollars

Listing Service Plans


Listing in the local MLS.
No Extras. Perfect for
experienced sellers.



Basic +

Listing in the local MLS
with the most common
add-ons. For most FSBO’s.



Listing in the local MLS with all the extras. For sellers who want every tool at their disposal to sell their homes.


Compare Options



Basic Plus Premium
Price $299 $399 $699
Term 6 Months 6 Months Until Sold
Photos 5 20 Maximum
Support Email-only Email & Phone Email & Phone
Local MLS
ShowingTime Service
Buyer Lead forwarding
Listings on Zillow, Trulia,, and more
Property Flyer
Seller contact information on listing
Cancel Anytime
E-lockbox Additional Charge Included (on request)
Open house 3 Unlimited
Listing on
Social Media
CMA on request
List Now List Now List Now

Looking for Forms, Disclosures, and Coaching?

Get all the forms you need and a Coach in your corner to get your property SOLD!

How It Works

We strive to make selling your home easy and affordable while YOU lead the sale. Choose the services you want, leave out the services you don’t. It’s that simple.


Select your MLS package.

Choose the listing marketing package you want, Fill out the forms, and start marketing your listing directly to agents and buyers.  You’ll be in full control of showings, calls, and open houses.


Select your contract services

Forms are confusing, and daunting.  Once you get an offer, there is a ton of paperwork.  Let us help you sort everything out, and make sure it’s done RIGHT.  If you’ve got this covered already-no worries.  This is completely optional.



Once you close escrow, you’ll have saved thousands of dollars of your hard-earned home equity vs listing with a traditional realtor.  

Calculate your savings

Enter your property price


Verify Your MLS Coverage

Enter your ZipCode below and we’ll email you our availability details

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Let Us Assist You Today

Real estate can be a nightmare if you don’t have the right tools and support in place. That’s when we come in.

Maintain control

Property owners maintain Seller Control and if you choose to sell on your own, you are rewarded, not penalized, like other brokerages.


Dombroski Real Estate’s online presence is much larger than traditional agents. We drive massive amounts of buyer traffic to our listings.


Thats Right! If you are unsure of the process of selling your home , marketing, Contracts, how communicate to buyers, your expectations and boundaries, CHOOSE COACHING UPGRADE